Announcing additional speakers for TIIP’s 3rd Annual Symposium on System-level Investing

The 3rd Annual System-level Investing Symposium, taking place on April 10 in NYC, is co-hosted by TIIP – The Investment Integration Project, the U.S. Impact Investing Alliance, and Principles for Responsible Investment and made possible with support from Domini Impact Investments LLC, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP, and the High Meadows Institute.

One of the sessions will focus on “Making the Fiduciary Case” and feature two of the foremost legal minds on the topic, Tiffany R. Reeves of Faegre Drinker and Keith Johnson of Global Investor Collaboration Services. Their presentation will share how fiduciary duty evolves by exploring the relevance and nuances of duties supporting investors’ ability to respond appropriately to material risks and opportunities from global systemic challenges.

Registration for this event is available here.

This hybrid event is an opportunity to join key investors and influencers to help establish and refine a shared vision of system-level investing and stewardship; identify system-level investing examples, discuss opportunities, challenges, and breakthroughs needed; and help the industry avoid working at cross-purposes. The full-day symposium will feature leaders at the forefront of the system-level investing movement.

**Space is limited for the in-person gathering. All interested in attending who cannot be accommodated in person will be able to participate virtually.**

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1-Day Virtual Intensive on System-level Investing – July 11

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