Approaching the Tipping Point in Forbes


Advisory Council member Bob Eccles profiled TIIP’s “Approaching the Tipping Point” report in a recent column. He used the report as one way to move the conversation forward around the evolution of ESG and the associated backlash, stating:

…this rhetorical war isn’t going to solve the problems we are all facing and must solve them together.

This can only be done by having companies which can create sustainable long-term value, and this requires system-level issues which will inhibit their ability to do so. In this regard, new research from The Investment Integration Project (TIIP) is a very useful contribution. Approaching the Tipping Point: Recommendations for building the marketplace for system-level investing provides data and detailed analysis on the current state of the investment industry and its ability to successfully address system-level issues, something it must do in order for it to meet the needs of its ultimate beneficiaries.

Read the full column here.

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