June Special Issue

Reflecting on TIIP’s Racial Inequity report from June 2023

As we celebrate Juneteenth this year, we look back on our publication “Introduction to Racial Inequity as a Systemic Risk: Why Investors Should Care and How They Can Take Action,” which feels as timely today as it was when it was released last June. The paper outlines how the financial industry can manage the systemic risk of racial inequity and promote the equitable distribution of resources, power, and economic opportunity across all races and ethnicities in the U.S. – to advance racial justice and protect their bottom lines.

In the press release we issued when the report came out, TIIP CEO William Burckart commented, “Not only is racial inequity morally and ethically abhorrent, but it also threatens the U.S. economy, the global financial system, and long-term investment returns across all asset classes. Racial inequity is embedded in American capitalism and the U.S. financial system. It is a systemic risk—that, like climate change, investors cannot ‘diversify away.”

These words are evergreen.

The report was developed in partnership with TIIP’s Racial Equity Working Group and provides recommendations for how investors can leverage conventional investment tools and more advanced approaches to manage the risks of racial inequity and embed racial equity across portfolios.

You can download the full report here and read a summary here.

Freedom Economy

The Freedom Economy Legal Resource Network is a membership organization created to legally support and affirm the rights of those working in the field of justice and sustainability, which is needed now more than ever.

Indeed, last Monday’s news announcing the decision from the federal court of appeals in the Fearless Fund case was deeply disappointing, though unsurprising given the current climate. We agree with our friend Rachel Robasciotti’s characterization that this ruling is “a setback for all of us – for investors, American businesses, and all Americans.” More information about this case can be found on Adasina Social Capital’s website in a piece entitled “The Fearless Fund Court Case: What Happened and Where Do We Go from Here?”

In addition, on June 12th, the lawsuit brought by the survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre was dismissed (see here for an Op-Ed with a detailed timeline on the massacre written by Anjali Deshmukh and TIIP’s Monique Aiken for ImpactAlpha in 2021 that accompanied a podcast Monique hosted, which featured the great-granddaughter of a survivor, Dr. Tiffany Crutcher).

The recent news and the ongoing backlash are happening against the backdrop of systemic social and environmental risks that continue to increase in severity and complexity. TIIP is thus pleased to share news about the existence of the Freedom Economy Legal Resource Network, and to highlight the resources, information, and professional legal network the new initiative is providing investors and consultants working in DEI, racial equity, ESG, sustainability, and impact. More about how and why it was formed can be found here.

Here’s how to you can take action:

1. Apply to Become a Member

To apply, complete the application at freedomeconomy.org/join. Details including member benefits are included on their website.

2. Refer a Trusted Contact

If a colleague or someone in your professional network could benefit from becoming a member, please have them visit freedomeconomy.org/join and list your name as the “Referral.”

3. Fund The Freedom Economy

To financially support their work, please email Monique at [email protected] to be put in touch.

If you have specific questions about joining the network, please contact [email protected].

1-Day Virtual Intensive on System-level Investing, to be held on July 11th

Due to the success of our inaugural SAIL cohort last year and the 1-day virtual intensive held in March, coupled with the growing waitlist for our next training, TIIP is now accepting Expressions of Interest for a 1-day virtual intensive course on system-level investing to be held on July 11, 2024 from 10.00am-6pm ET.

Click here to express your interest in joining the 1-Day virtual intensive.

In this 1-day virtual intensive course, participants will learn:

  1. What it means to manage system-level risks and rewards;
  2. Why it is imperative to do so now; and
  3. How to extend their current investing practice to the system-level across 6-dimensions of practice

The $700 tuition for the course includes:

  • 8 live modules taught by the TIIP team, industry experts, and previous participants
  • 2-months of access to the SAIL platform (a $600 value), including the Launchpad (a strategic planning tool), Benchmark (the data management tool used to support diligence efforts), and the CoPractice (the open-to-all community of practice) components which comprise the platform.

Please note that once your payment has been received, you will be sent the Zoom link for the course and notified when your access to SAIL goes live.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Space in the course is limited, and applicants will be notified of their acceptance to the program on a rolling basis. If you can’t be accommodated in this course, you’ll be added to the waiting list for future programs. Secure your spot today!

Are you interested in sending a team to the course? Contact Monique Aiken at [email protected] for information on the group rate.

Click here to fill out the form to express your interest today!

SAIL Updates

Our annual SAIL update is coming in July. We’re refreshing the content in the “issue agnostic” version, refreshing the income Inequality content, and adding Climate Change and both Racial Inequity and LGBTQ+ Inequity.

Subscription rates will increase once the new content is in, so subscribe now at our summer promotional rate!

Email us at [email protected] to learn more.

For those who are not yet familiar, SAIL (the Systems Aware Investing Launchpad) is not just another enterprise management platform. It’s a comprehensive solution that equips you with practical tools, templates, guidance, and deep research on systemic issues. With SAIL, you can implement or refine your system-level investment strategies, all with the goals of reducing costs, winning business, preserving long-term returns, and staying informed. It’s a game-changer for investors like you.

Ask us how to subscribe at our summer promotional rate!

Want access to the just to CoPractice (which will always remain free) or receive a live demonstration? Contact TIIP at [email protected].

Follow us on LinkedIn to keep up with the latest TIIP news and find out how to join the system-level investing movement. Reach out to [email protected] to learn more.

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