The plug-and-play solution for system-level investing.
TIIP has developed the Systems Aware Investing Launchpad (SAIL), a “one-stop shop” for answers to fundamental questions, practical tools, and support for implementing system-level investing. SAIL has three parts: a plug-and-play solution investors can use to chart their course to become a system-level investor, a community of practice aimed at driving broader industry transformation, and a new data management tool for evaluating and tracking asset managers’ approaches to system-level investing.


Benchmark is a market intelligence gathering tool to advance understanding of a given investor’s system-level investing approach and allow comparison across practice dimensions along both conventional and advanced system-level investing techniques. This database will:

Reduce search costs

  • With a few clicks, discover how your managers have adopted system-level approaches (as well as ESG integration, impact investing, and stewardship considerations).
  • Benefit from the other asset owners using Benchmark to request access to comprehensive due diligence on prospective managers—and invite managers not yet in the database to complete profiles.

Determine which of your managers is doing well, who is doing better, and who is improving

  • Learn from the work of peers by reading succinct summaries of investment approaches in practice today that are designed with systems and, by extension, portfolio returns in mind.
  • Identify market opportunities.
  • Compare and contrast your managers across a variety of criteria, including “themes” like water or human rights. There are 20 themes to choose from.

Simplify (and automate the process) of managing your managers

  • Benchmark helps asset owners to engage managers, automating the process—request info, set how much time managers can have to respond, leverage TIIP-developed user guides to proactively address questions that may arise.
  • Access TIIP produced profiles of investors to better understand what counts as good.
  • Seamlessly integrate Benchmark data with your existing tools used for managing manager info.

Key features of Benchmark that help improve the process of management of your managers

TIIP’s online, searchable database of investor profiles is a roadmap to system-level investing that any good governance board or strong fiduciary should understand in an evolving world.

  • The industry needs assessment TIIP released in 2022 revealed that this the most comprehensive portal and database focused on system-level investment approaches.
  • Benchmark has been tailored to address the needs of thousands of asset owners and comprises decades of experience and research.

Key features of Benchmark include:

Review Manager Profiles

When viewing an individual investor profile, you can access detailed information pertaining to that organization.

Access Investor Profile History

Track the publishing history of any given investor profile. This feature enables you to see how an organization has evolved over time.

Compare Manager Profiles

Benchmark allows you two compare different investor profiles side by side.

Launchpad is a first-of-its-kind, web-based, plug-and-play solution that guides investors in launching or refining their system-level investing approaches. It equips investors with the knowledge and tools to prepare to adopt system-level investing, position themselves to influence change, and pursue any number of activities to bring that change to fruition.

Key features of Launchpad include:

Develop a System-level Investing Strategy

SAIL’s Launchpad offers a framework for investors to decide which facet(s) of systemic issues to focus on and which tactics and strategies to deploy.

To do this, Launchpad outlines a 6-step process for investors to engage in system-level investing. It shows them how to integrate system-level investing into conventional activities like RFPs, Statements of Investment Beliefs, targeted investment programs, shareholder engagement activities, manager selection and monitoring, and more.

Utilize Conventional Tools and Advanced Techniques

Launchpad also guides investors on how to utilize conventional investment tools and leverage advanced techniques to specifically achieve influence at a system-level and that stress:

  • Collaborative action
  • Building shared knowledge bases
  • Setting industry standards
  • Calling attention to public policy debates about governmental rules and regulations
  • Creating a rising tide of investment opportunities for all investors

Set Goals, Measure and Report on System-level Progress

The Set Goals and Evaluate Results section of Launchpad, for example, walk investors through measuring and reporting on how they, individually or collectively, are achieving system-level influence when they help to alter the paradigms (prevailing norms, standards, and structures) of environment, social, or financial systems. Generating system-level influence is as important as having an impact individually or aligning that impact with broader environmental or social goals; it is the foundation upon which investors can base consistent, system-wide influence over time and protect the ability of their funds to generate returns in the long term.

The Benchmark database, another component of SAIL, supports and streamlines the process of asset owners engaging managers on assessing their integration of system-level considerations–request info, set how much time managers can have to respond, and leverage TIIP-developed user guides to proactively address questions that may arise.


TIIP’s Community of Practice (CoPractice) provides *the* clearinghouse of information and support related to system-level investing, helping investors to:

  • Establish a shared vision of system-level investing and engagement
  • Identify system-level investing examples
  • Provide periodic assessments of where the investor community is in terms of knowledge base, collaboration, and differences in engagement versus investment strategies
  • Discuss gaps/hurdles that can be addressed through TIIP and other providers of resources, insights, and support
  • Identify key events and developments that investors can prepare for to elevate system-level investing
  • Avoid working at cross-purposes 

The CoPractice also provides a forum for connecting investors with their peers to exchange ideas, lessons learned and raise issues and questions via:

  • Dedicated Slack Community: The real-time messaging app offers a forum for like-minded professionals interested in system-level investing to find and share resources one-on-one, in a closed group, or to the entire community through curated “channels”
  • Convenings: Opportunities for subscribers to attend events hosted by others in the CoPractice as well as publicize relevant gatherings with this community
  • Learning Labs: Virtual and in-person, interactive education and training sessions focused on pre-determined system-level topics that include sequential, reinforcing segments: topic overview, facilitated breakout discussions, ‘report out’ of discussion insights, and group Q&A

Want to subscribe or receive a live demonstration? Contact TIIP at [email protected].
